I read a lot of blogs. Daily. On days when most have new postings it can take me a couple of hours to get through the whole list.
One of the exercises in the e-course I'm taking right now is to update my own Bio/About Me area. With that in mind, I used this long list of blogs that I follow (currently, that's 70!) to read through the Bio/About Me area for each. Here's what I found ...
Some had long Bio's, some had brief ones. Some were light and humorous, some quite serious and business like, and a few were fairly dry. There were even some well followed ones with no Bio/About Me area. Most had at least one photo - usually of themselves, but not always. After reading all of them I came to the conclusion that it was nice to know something about the Blogger, but not essential to my liking their blog. For those that write in a personal style, often including tidbits of their lifes in their postings, it didn't seem to matter if their Bio was short, long, or even there. If the Bio was too long it sometimes got boring. Almost invariably, brief was better. I particularly liked the ones that gave a brief Bio followed by some technical information - cameras and software they used. Many included how to contact them, including a texted email address (along the lines of mynameATsomeplaceDOTcom so that bad people can't scrap their emails from their website). Finally, there were a few discussing privacy, use of their content and photos, and one - Chez Larsson - who discussed safety and non-liability ... a concept that I thought smart for those sharing DIY tutorials/ideas.
With this research under my belt I feel a bit more confident in doing my own Bio/About Me. Let's see how it goes.
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